深圳市第十二幼儿园(原名:深圳市翠园幼儿园)创办于1993年10月,是一所公办的广东省一级幼儿园。幼儿园座落于深圳市罗湖区布心花园二区内,占地面积4040平方米,现有教职工60人,教师33人,学前教育大专以上学历达98%,其中本科学历占50%,80%具有小教高级职称。全园现有9个幼儿班和 0~3岁早期教育亲子园。
The Twelfth Shenzhen Kindergarten (Originally named Shen zhen CuiYuan Kindergarten) is established in October 1993 , which is publicly main tained kindergarten and regarded as first-grade kindergarten in Guangdong Province. Kindergarten is located in Second zone of BuXin Garden, Luohu District, Shenzhen, and covers an area of 4040 square meters. Our Kindergarten has 66 faculty members, including 33 teaching staff members. And There are 98% are professors or associate professors preschool education College Degree and above, among which 50% are University degree,80% has senior professional title. There are 9 Nursery Classes and 0-3 agesEarly- education Mom-Baby fairyland.