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2012 - 2013 Fees Schedule Summary

Application Fee

US$250.00 or equivalentTo process the application.Must be paid at the time of submitting Application Form.

PG1 School Fees

US$ 7600.00 per termInclusive of tuition, use of textbooks, work books, reference books, interest & story books, supplies, local field trips, miscellaneous, etc.#Payable in full latest 2 Weeks Upon Notification of Acceptance

G1 - G5 School Fees

US$ 7800.00 per term

G6 - G8 School Fees

US$ 8300.00 per term

G9 - G12 School Fees

US$ 9000.00 per term

Beginning ESL

PG1 - G1 (No Charge)
G2 - G10
US$ 750.00 per termApplicable for students who have virtually no communication in English Language, or have very limited communication and comprehension in the language for either personal or academic purposes.Payable in full latest 2 Weeks Upon Notification of Acceptance

Intermediate ESL / Maintenance ESL

G2 - G10
Maintenance ESL (No Charge)
US$ 750.00 per termApplicable for students who have limited communication and understanding in the language for personal and academic purposes.

School Bus Fees

US$600 per termRoute: Futian, East Pacific Garden, Overseas Chinese Town, Shekou (Based on availability)Payable in full latest 2 Weeks Upon Notification of Acceptance

Field Trip Fees

PG1 – G3
G4 – G5
G6 – G8
G9 – G12

Per Term

No Charge
As part of the curriculum, field trips increase students’ knowledge and understanding of a subject by adding realism and hands-on experience.Actual field trip fees will be determined by actual traveling costs, and will be available at the beginning of Term 2. Payable in full latest 2 Weeks Upon Notification of Acceptance

* Application Fees of US$250 (HK$ or RMB equivalent) may be paid in cash to ISNS at time of returning the application form.
# Tuition, Textbook, Miscellaneous & Residence Fees payment in US$ only should be made by bank certified cheque, money order, or telegraphic transfer to the following bank account in Hong Kong on or before each dateline specified as per above.