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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线新课标小学英语第七册(一年级起点外研版)8听力,还有更多的外研社新标准小学四年级英语(一起)及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00Module8 UNIT 1
00:08.88What did she play?
00:11.941. Listen, point and find “what, when”.
00:25.81Look, Amy. Some English children came to China last week.
00:31.40Did they come for the music competition?
00:33.85Yes, they did.
00:35.71When did they come ?
00:38.64They came last Wednesday. Look, this girl won a gold cup.
00:44.28What did she play?
00:47.52She played the flute.
00:48.98I can play the flute too!
00:53.00So practise a lot. Then you will win a competition too!
01:09.562. Listen and say.
01:20.33When did they come?
01:22.68They came last Wednesday.
01:24.92What did she play ?
01:28.37She played the flute.
01:29.94UNIT 2
01:36.76Where did you go ?
01:39.401. Listen and repeat.
01:49.11Yesterday was a holiday. Where did you go ?
01:53.76I went to the zoo.
01:55.72What did you see ?
01:58.86I saw lions and tigers.
02:01.50Where did you go , Tingting?
02:05.47I didn’t go out . I stayed at home.
02:09.123. Listen and say . Then chant.
02:23.88What did you do yesterday,
02:26.44Where did you go,
02:28.19And where did you play ,
02:29.84What did you see,
02:31.69And what did you hear,
02:33.55When I was out at work, my dear?


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