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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线新标准小学英语第四册(三年级起点)2听力,还有更多的新标准小学英语第四册(三年级起点)及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00module 2 London
00:06.58unit 1 London is the capital of England.
00:14.761.Listen and point.
00:25.99What's this?
00:29.15It's a book about London.
00:33.41It's very nice!
00:36.86I'm from London.
00:40.23London is the capital of England.
00:44.59Yes!And is very big!
00:49.03Ooooh!What's this?
00:53.29It's Buckingham Palace.
00:57.26It's very big and very beautiful.
01:02.12Yes,it is!
01:05.88Is that your house?
01:09.54No,it's the Queen's house.
01:13.90This is my house!It's small.
01:18.86But it's very beautiful,too.
03:33.05unit 2 This is the River Thames.
03:40.321.Listen,point and say.
03:50.77This is the River Thames.It's long and wide.
03:57.92There are many boats on the river.
04:01.87This is Big Ben.It's very old.
04:07.12And it's very tall.
04:10.67This is Hyde Park.It's very beautiful.
04:16.13And this is Tower Bridge.It's very famous.
04:22.19And it's very beautiful,too.05:56.623. Listen and say,then sing and do the actions.
06:11.67London bridge is falling down
07:05.644.Listen and point.
08:49.01capital about beautiful long
09:04.43首都 关于 美丽的 长的
09:19.86wide many
09:25.93宽的 很多的


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