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来源:网络 所属栏目:北师大版小学五年级英语 - 北师大版小学五年级英语 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北师大小学五年级英语上--unit8b听力,还有更多的北师大版小学五年级英语及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:03.25Listen to This
00:08.78Write the number.
01:09.90Talk Together
01:16.18We will have a big school concert next Friday.
01:19.90Do you know?
01:24.52Next Friday is Children's Day,isn't it.
01:29.07That's right.Will you play in the concert?
01:33.34Yes,I will.I will play the piano.
01:37.87Wonderful!Will your parents come?
01:42.75Of course they will.
01:44.76And they will play the drums for me.
01:48.29Play the drums! Are you kidding?
01:56.80Listen and Practice
02:01.00Betty is buying balloons for the birthday party.
02:07.98Becky and Bob are playing ball at the beach.
02:15.31Vincent plays the violin very well.
02:21.60Vera plays volleyball on her vacation.
02:29.98Let's Sing!
04:48.46Listen and Write
05:31.88Uncle Booky's Storytime
05:37.85The Emperor's New Clothes
05:42.00Part 2
05:43.86One day,two men came to the Emperor.
05:48.20They were not tailors.
05:50.30They were liars.
05:52.41They wanted to make some money.
05:55.38They told the Emperor,
05:57.78We can make magic cloth.
06:00.90Only clever people can see the magic cloth.
06:05.50Stupid people can't see it.
06:08.88The Emperor was pleased.
06:11.84With the cloth he could tell who was clever
06:15.89and who was stupid.
06:18.24How wonderful!
06:20.82Make a suit for me with the magic cloth.
06:24.75I am going to wear it on New Year's Day.
06:28.96he told the liars.
06:35.46New Words
06:38.75liars told clever stupid suit
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