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来源:网络 所属栏目:北师大版小学六年级英语上 - 北师大版小学六年级英语上 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北师大小学六年级英语上--unit4(3)听力,还有更多的北师大版小学六年级英语上及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:02.13
00:04.97Pronunciation 发音
00:07.34IS IZ
00:11.33This watch is better than these watches.
00:16.11Mom gave her a kiss when she found the keys.
00:21.75Don't miss this sign about the trees.
00:26.94He's riding this red bike.
00:35.21Chant and Sing
01:02.2700:50.2400:44.29This,that,these,and those,
01:05.1600:47.20Which one should I choose?
01:29.1500:53.20Think I'll take these shoes.
00:56.25That's a really cool hat,and I love this sweater.
00:59.18But look at those sneakers,they are even better!
01:20.2201:08.30This,that,these,and those,
01:11.25Think I'll take these shoes.
01:14.21That's pretty bag,and I like these socks.
01:17.19I just saw this watch,so wrap it in a box.
01:41.1901:23.21Which one should I choose?
01:38.1501:26.17This,that,these,and those,
01:32.21That's super backpack,and I love this tie.
01:35.16But I prefer these socks,
01:36.55I don't know what to buy!
01:44.08This,that,these,and those,
01:47.24Think I'll take these shoes.
01:50.26So much to choose from,but this is the end.
01:53.09I love to shop all day,
01:54.25But I have no more to spend!


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