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来源:网络 所属栏目:北师大版小学六年级英语下 - 北师大版小学六年级英语下 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北师大小学六年级英语下--unit8c听力,还有更多的北师大版小学六年级英语下及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:04.22Pronunciation
00:08.13The village bridge was damaged by the heavy
00:16.48The soldier in the play stood on the edge of
00:21.56the stage.
00:24.17The judge sent the man who stole the jewels to
00:31.45The page is about the subject of magic.
00:41.93Perfect Your Pronunciation
00:46.62Say these sentences.
00:50.28Now listen and check your pronunciation.
00:55.07There's a jar of juice on the edge of the stage.
01:01.61Janet is the manager of the Jet travel agency.
01:08.10Julie's book has pages on the subject of
01:15.49The passengers in the jeep enjoyed the journey.
01:24.19Chant and Sing ……
02:58.33Review and Evaluation
03:05.08Today let's talk about bones.
03:08.76We have long bones and short bones.
03:12.91An adult has 206 bones.
03:17.62Half of our bones are in the hand and the feet.
03:22.34Most o these bones allow our body to move easily
03:27.73Every hand has 27 bones.
03:32.12They make up the wrist,the palm,and the fingers.
03:38.27There are 26 bones in the head.
03:42.59Small children may have 20 teeth,
03:46.57but adults may have 32 teeth.
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