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来源:网络 所属栏目:深圳双语版小学五年级英语 - 深圳双语版小学五年级英语 作者:城市学校网
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:19.10Picture 6 take a photo of cartoon characters
00:32.57B Reading: The story of Richard Branson
00:47.12Meet Sir Richard Branson.He's a famous business man.
00:46.12Sir Richard has had a very interesting and exciting life so far.
00:59.89Here are some of the special things he has done.
01:07.13He has tarted over a hundred companies.
01:16.53Sir Richard started his first company when he was seventeen.
01:28.52Now he runs many different companies.
01:37.27These include travel,music and soft drinks companies.
01:50.83When Sir Richard travels on his own airline,he always helps his staff.
02:06.48He talks to passengers,serves drinks and plays games with children.
02:21.21He airline has won many awards.He has broken three world rccords.
02:39.24Sir Richard enjoys doing dangerous and exciting things.
02:49.68He holds the world records for crossing the Atlantic Ocean by speedboat and balloon.
03:05.67He has also broken the world record for crossing the Pacific Ocean in a balloon.
03:18.42Sir Richard has tried to fly around the world in a balloon twice.
03:30.38Once there was fire in his balloon and he had to land in the sea.
03:42.29Have you ever broken a world record?Yes,three times.
03:54.55He has done a lot of work for charity:
04:02.04Sir Richard does not like smoking or cigarette advertising.
04:09.04So he started a charity called 'parents Against Tobacco'.
04:26.10He also gives a lot of money to other charities.He has bought an island.
04:40.86Sir Richard spends his holidays on his own island.
04:51.60He always invites some of his staff to join him.
05:00.11He enjoys talking to them and listening to their ideas.
05:11.66Drivers,watchmen,air hostesses,pilots and secretaries have all had holidays on Sir Richard's island.
05:34.67Have you ever been on holiday with your boss?Yes,it was great!
05:49.33He has written hundreds of letters to his staff.
05:59.57Sir Richard is one of the richest businessmen in the world but he still cares a lot about people.
06:09.81He writes his staff a letter every month and has a big party for them every year.
06:27.02They can write to him whenever they like and he always replies.
06:41.10'If my staff are happy,then my customers will be happy too'.he says.
06:56.36C Answer the questions about the passage in complete sentences.
07:11.511 What does Sir Richard do when he travels on his own airline?
07:24.342 Has Sir Richard ever broken a record?3 What records has he broken?
07:46.774 Has he ever flown in a balloon?5 Has he given money to charity ?
08:07.446 Who does he invite to join him on holiday?
08:18.577 Do you think Sir Richard is a good boss ?Why?
08:34.34Skills Read the first section of the passage again.
08:48.79First section Main idea:Sir Richard's companies
09:04.02Details: 1 He started his first business at seventeen.
09:22.282 He has started different types of companies.3 His airline is very famous.
09:44.22Now read the second and fourth sections of the passage again.
09:50.07One of the details listed below does not fit the main idea in the section.Underline it.
10:11.78Second section Main idea:Sir Richard's world records
10:28.84Details:1 He has crossed the Atlantic Ocean by boat.
10:44.962 He has crossed the Atlantic Ocean by balloon.
10:57.023 He likes travelling to different countries.
11:08.784 He has crossed the Pacific Ocean by balloon.
11:21.89Fourth section Main idea:Sir Richard's island
11:37.72Details:1 He has an island.2 He likes to spend his holidays with his staff.
12:04.633 His island is very big.4 He likes talking to his staff.
12:25.45D The teacher is asking the children about the special things they have done.Act the children.
12:46.11Have you ever done anything special,children?Here are these answers.
13:00.24Picture 1 I've spoken to a pop star.
13:12.60Picture 2 I've seen a princess.
13:23.00Picture 3 I've ridden a camel.
13:33.47Picture 4 I've sung in a conert.
13:46.14Picture 5 I fly in a helicopter
13:58.08Picture 6 I worn a costume
14:10.46Picture 7 I've taken a photo of a cartoon character
14:24.18Picture 8 I've written a letter to Santa Claus
14:38.44E Now the children are doing a survey about the special things they have done,
14:48.78Act the children. Here are some examples.
15:05.34Picture 1 I've worn a costume three times.Have you ever worn a costume.
15:23.19Yes,I've worn a costume twice.
15:33.43Picture 2 I've never driven a racing car.Have you ever driven a racing car?
15:51.06Yes,I've driven a racing car once.
16:01.38Picture 3 I've spoken to a film star once.Have you ever spoken to a film star?
16:21.02No,I've never spoken to a film star.Now you do the rest.
16:39.72Now tick the grid and ask your friend.
16:52.19Chpater 3 Trees A Talk about the trees in the picture.
17:10.161 broad leaves 2 long branches
17:25.263 short brandches 4 narrow leaves
17:42.685 thick trunk 6 thin trunk
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