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快乐英语第五册 UNIT4-24听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:快乐英语第五册 - 快乐英语第五册 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:快乐英语第五册 UNIT4-24听力,快乐英语第五册,儿童英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:06.69Unit 4
00:07.73What's the weather like today?
00:09.47Lesson 24
00:11.98Listen, Write and Say
00:14.83It's spring.
00:16.37It's warm and windy.
00:18.33Everything is green.
00:20.36I like to go hiking.
00:22.30I like to wear a jacket and sneakers.
00:28.80It's summer.
00:30.21It's hot and rainy.
00:32.28Everything looks bright.
00:34.13I like to go to the beach.
00:36.09I like to wear shorts, T-shirt, sandals and sunglasses.
00:45.33It's autumn.
00:46.69It's cool and cloudy.
00:49.25Everything is golden.
00:51.24I like to climb hills.
00:53.56I like to wear jeans and sweaters.
01:00.72It's winter.
01:02.07It's cold and snowy.
01:04.56Everything is white.
01:06.77I like to make a snowman.
01:09.02I have to wear a coat, a hat, a scarf, gloves and boots.
01:15.42Little Scholar
01:17.05Test the truth of these sayings.
01:20.42Evening red, morning gray.
01:23.24Sets the traveler on his way.
01:26.07Evening gray, morning red.
01:28.94Brings down showers on his head.
01:32.04A Rhyme
01:33.58Winter, spring, summer, fall.
01:37.40Bounce them like a magic ball.
01:40.49Bounce them fast and bounce them slow.
01:43.75Seasons come and seasons go.
01:47.10Summer, fall, winter, spring.
01:50.68Ride them on my favorite swing.
01:53.29Ride them high and ride them low.
01:55.71Seasons come and seasons go.
01:58.57Unit Assessment
02:00.47Listen, write and report.
02:03.60It's warm in Beijing.
02:06.42It's cold in Shenyang.
02:08.88It's warm in Kunming.
02:11.23It's cool in Beijing.
02:13.66It's hot in Wuhan.
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