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快乐英语第八册 UNIT1-6听力

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关键词:快乐英语第八册 UNIT1-6听力,快乐英语第八册,儿童英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:06.69Unit 1
00:08.37Which is bigger?
00:10.44Lesson 6
00:15.59Read and Think
00:18.67Can you carry this bag of wheat to the mill?
00:23.71Oh, what should I do?
00:27.59Go across it.
00:29.11The water is very shallow.
00:32.03Oh, no!
00:33.23Please don't!
00:34.53You'll be drowned.
00:36.50Little horse goes back to ask his mother.
00:39.97Mom, what should I do?
00:43.34Why don't you try yourself?
00:46.08Oh, the water is neither deep nor shallow.
00:51.11Little Scholar
00:53.15Hey, everybody!
00:54.87Do you know me?
00:56.90I'm not a goat.
00:58.85I'm not a deer.
01:01.07I'm a dik-dik.
01:02.86I'm an antelope.
01:05.11I live in East Africa.
01:08.23I'm very small.
01:10.08I'm even smaller than a dog.
01:12.95I'm not bigger than a rabbit.
01:15.96But I run faster than a dog and even a rabbit.
01:20.47Do you know me now?
01:23.13Read and Write
01:25.66Unit Assessment
01:27.77Listen and tick or cross.
01:33.32My book is thick.
01:35.53Yours is thin.
01:41.88My ruler is longer than yours.
01:45.25Your ruler is shorter than mine.
01:52.71Which car runs the fastest?
01:56.05Liu Gang's car runs the fastest.
02:04.04Which is taller, the father or the son?
02:08.48The father is taller.
02:15.92Which is the highest?
02:18.05The second house is the highest.
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