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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第四册 UNIT 1-Lesson 6 Where Are They?他们在哪?听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第四册 - 冀教版小学英语(三起)--第四册 作者:城市学校网
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Lesson 6 Where Are They?他们在哪?
1.Where is Jenny?珍妮在哪? Where is Jenny?
Jenny is in the classroom.珍妮在教室里. She is putting her pencils in her pencil case.
Where is Danny?丹尼在哪? He is in the library.他在图书馆.
He is reading a book.他在看书. Where is Kim?可姆在哪?
Kim is in the classroom.可姆在教室里. She is writing on the paper.她在纸上写东西.
Her eraser is on her desk.她的橡皮在桌子上. Where is Steven?史蒂文在哪?
He is in the gym.他在体育馆里. He is playing ping-pong.他在打乒乓球.
Where is Mr. Wood? He is in the classroom.他在教室里.
He is writing on the blackboard with the chalk. 2.Let's sing a song.
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