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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第四册 UNIT 2-Lesson 9 Months of the Year 一年中的月份听力

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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 UNIT 2 Days and Months 日和月
Lesson 9 Months of the Year 一年中的月份
1.Time to work 上课时间 Hello,Li Ming!你好,李明!
Hello,Miss Zhang!你好,张老师! Nice to see you again!真高兴再见到你!
How are you?你好吗? I'm fine,thanks!我很好,谢谢!
Are you ready for English class? Yes!
Can you say the months of the years? Sure!当然!
2.Months of the year 一年中的月份 January 一月
February 二月 March 三月
April 四月 May 五月
June六月 July 七月
August 八月 September 九月
October 十月 November 十一月
December十二月 Very good,Li Ming!非常好,李明!
3.What's the date?今天是几月几号? It is October 19.今天是10月19号.
It is February 22.今天是2月22号.
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