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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 UNIT 1-Lesson 2 At the Sports Store 在体育用品商店听力

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Lesson 2 At the Sports Store 在体育用品商店
Let's see,Jenny. I need a T-shirt 我需要一件T恤衫
and a pair of runners.一双跑鞋. And we need some ping-pong balls.
There's a clerk.店员在那儿. Let's ask him for some help.我们找他帮忙吧.
Excuse me! Do you have any runners?你们有跑鞋吗?
Yes!I'll show you!有,我拿给你们看. Do you like these runners or those runners?
I want these runners,我想要这种跑鞋, but they are seventy dollars.但是要70美元.
I am going to buy those runners.我还是买那种吧. How much are they?那种多少钱?
Thirty dollars.30美元. Do you have any T-shirts?你们有T恤衫吗?
Li Ming needs a T-shirt.李明需要一件T恤衫. Yes!Here they are!有,给你.
Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt,Li Ming I want this one!我要这件.
Now we need some ping-pong balls. Do you want these or those?你们想要这些还是那些?
These balls are five dollars.这些球是5美元. Those are two dollars.那些是2美元.
I want those!我要那些. That's thirty dollars for the runners,跑鞋30美元
ten dollars for the T-shirt T恤衫是10美元, and two dollars for the ping-pong balls.
Forty-two dollars,please.一共是42美元.


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