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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 UNIT 1-Lesson 5 A basketball Game 一场篮球比赛听力

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Lesson 5 A basketball Game 一场篮球比赛
1.Player,team and game 运动员,球队和比赛 Jenny and Li Ming are going to watch Bob
play basketball this evening. Who is Bob?谁是鲍勃?
Bob is Jenny's brother.鲍勃是珍妮的哥哥. He is twenty years old.他20岁.
He is a police officer.他是个警察. He plays basketball for fun on Saturdays.
On Saturdays,在星期六, he is a basketball player.他是一个篮球运动员.
player 运动员 He plays on a team.他在球队里打球.
What's a team?什么是球队? A team has many players.球队有很多球员.
This is Bob's team.这是鲍勃的球队. team 球队
Bob's team plays basketball games. This is a basketball game.这是一场篮球比赛.
game 比赛 2.At the game 在比赛中
Bob's team is playing basketball this evening. Would you like to go to the game?你想去看比赛吗
Sure!Let's go!当然了!我们走吧! The game is at the school gym.
Jenny and Li Ming arrive at the gym at 7:00. There's Bob's team!"那就是鲍勃的球队!
says Jenny. "Bob's team has blue T-shirt and blue shorts."
"There's the other team,"says Li Ming. "The other team has orange shorts and T-shirts."
Jenny and Li Ming have fun at the game. They buy snacks.他们买了小吃.
They jump up and down.他们跳上跳下. "Go,Bob!"they say.
They are loud!他们声音很大. "Go,Blue Team!"蓝队,加油!
Now it's 8:15. What's the score,Jenny?珍妮,比分怎么样?
It's seventy-eight to seventy-eight! 78比78! An orange player has the ball.一个橙队队员控球.
He throws the ball.他投球了. Bob catches it!鲍勃把球接住了.
Bob runs down the floor.鲍勃贴着地面跑. He puts the ball in the net!他把球投进了球篮!
We win!我们赢了! We lose!我们输了!


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