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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 UNIT 3-Lesson 17 Let's Buy Postcards!买明信片!听力

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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 UNIT 3 Writing Home 给家里写信
Lesson 17 Let's Buy Postcards!买明信片!
1.Postcard,letter and e-mail 明信片,信和电子邮件 I want to buy some postcards.我想买一些明信片.
What's a postcard?明信片是什么? I can show you.我展示给你看.
This is an e-mail.这是一封电子邮件. You write an e-mail on a computer.
Dear Steven,I am in Beijing亲爱的史蒂文,我在北京 How's the weather in Canada?加拿大的天气怎么样?
Is it snowy?下雪了吗? This is a letter.这是一封信.
You write a letter on paper.在纸上写信. April 17 四月十七号
Dear Wangrong: May I come to see you school我能来你的学校看看吗
Say hi to Zhiwei.向志伟问好. See you soon.
Jeff These are postcard.这是明信片.
A postcard has a picture on it.明信片上有图画. This is a shop in the hotel.这是一个旅馆里的商店
We can buy postcards there我们在那可以买到明信片 2.In the hotel shop 在旅馆的商店里
Hi,Jenny! Hi,Danny!
Look at this postcard.看这张明信片. It has a picture of the Palace Museum!
This postcard has Tian'anmen Square! I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad.
I want to send this postcard to my cousin,Jing. Look!
This postcard has a panda on it! The panda is drinking tea!这只熊猫在喝茶!
It's funny!太有趣了! May I see that postcard,please?
How much for this postcard?这张明信片多少钱? One yuan.
I'll take nine,please.请给我拿九张.


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