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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 UNIT 4-Lesson 28 Jenny's and Danny's Pictures听力

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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 UNIT 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?你旅途愉快吗?
Lesson 28 Jenny's and Danny's Pictures
Danny and I have some pictures from our trip to Beijing!
Let's show our pictures to Kim and Steven! This is Jenny,Li Ming and me at our hotel.
Is it nice?旅馆好吗? Yes!
It is near Wangfujing Street它在王府井大街的附近 This is Li Ming at Tian'anmen Square.
I know Tian'anmen Square.我知道天安门广场. It's famous!它很有名!
How did you go to Tian'anmen Square? We went by bus.我们坐公共汽车去的.
This is Danny at Tian'anmen Square. What happened?怎么了?
I wanted to fly a kite.我想要放风筝. I hurt my arm 我伤了我的胳膊,
and Jenny helped me.珍妮帮了我. This is Danny and me on the train.
Is that a baby?那是个小孩吗? Yes!
We played with the baby!我在和那个小孩玩儿! It was fun!它太有趣了!
This is a picture of Jenny and Li Ming at the Palace Museum.
I can't see Li Ming and Jenny!我看不见李明和珍妮 What happened?怎么了?
I fell!我摔倒了! Danny broke his tail!丹尼伤了他的尾巴!


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