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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 V.Story3-Little Zeke Sends an E-mail 小齐克发电子邮件听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 - 冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 V.Story3-Little Zeke Sends an E-mail 小齐克发电子邮件听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 Little Zeke Sends an E-mail 小齐克发电子邮件
Li Ming,Danny and Jenny are in Beijing.
They are sending an e-mail to their friends and families.
Jenny says, "Let's send an e-mail to my friend Emma!"
"Where does Emma live?"asks Danny. "She lives is Ottawa,"says Jenny.
"I am sending the e-mail to her school." Jenny write a message to Emma.
Dear Emma, I am sending you this e-mail from Beijing.
It is twelve o'clock in the afternoon here. It's three o'clock in the morning in Ottawa!
How are you? We are having a great time.我们玩得非常开心.
See you soon.再见! Yours truly,
Jennt Danny says,"I'm hungry.丹尼说,"我很饿.
Let's go to the restaurant to eat lunch!" "Danny!"says Jenny.
"Not now!现在不行! I want to send an e-mail to my brother."
"Hey!Look!"says Li Ming. "It's an e-mail for us!"有一封邮件!
"Who is sending us an e-mail?"谁发来的? asks Danny.
"I don't know.我不知道. It's from Ottawa.是来自渥太华的.
It's from Emma's school!"来自艾玛的学校! says Jenny.
"No way!"says Danny. "Who is at school now?现在谁会在学校呢?
Everyone is sleeping in Ottawa!" Dear Jenny,
Thank you for sending an e-mail to Emma. Emma is fine.艾玛很好.
She is at home in her bed.现在她在家里睡觉. Everyone is sleeping in bed.每个人都在睡觉.
I don't have a bed.我没有床. I sleep in a sock.我睡在袜子里.
It is Emma's sock.这是艾玛的袜子. She put it in her desk.她放在桌子里.
It is a gift from Emma.这是艾玛送给我的礼物. Tess gives me gifts,too.苔丝也给我礼物了.
I love gifts.我喜欢礼物. Tess gives me donuts and juice for breakfast.
My favourite breakfast is donuts and juice. I am tired.我累了.
I want to go to sock now.我要去袜子里(睡觉)了. Twenty-three plus forty-four equals seventy-six.
Yours truly, Little Zeke
"Go to sock?"says Danny. "Does he want to go to bed?他是想睡觉吗?
And twenty-three plus forty-four equals sixty-seven!"
"Who is Little Zeke?"小齐克是谁? asks Li Ming.
"I don't know!"says Jenny." 我不知道"丹尼说.


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