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摘 要:试卷说明:1.本试卷考试时间为100分钟;总分为100分。2.本试卷共有12页,一张答案纸。3.本试卷分为第ⅰ卷和第ⅱ卷,ⅰ卷有五道大题,58道小题;第ⅱ卷有五道大题。4.第ⅰ卷答案涂在答题卡上,第ⅱ卷答案写在答题纸上。命题:王芝审题人:顾......





  命题:王芝 审题人:顾俊所

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共55分)

听力理解 (共13分。1-6小题0.5分,7-16小题1分)









  5. What‘s the date today?

  A. May 7.  B. May 8.  C. May 9.

  6. How long has Mr. Smith been in China?

  A. For over two years.  B. For over seven years.  C. For over nine years.

  7. what does the mad have to do now?

  A. Repair the car.  B. Clean the car.  C. More the car.

  8. Who does Mike want to speak to?

  A. Mrs. Green.  B. Mr. Green.  C. Jenny.


  9. What are they going to do on Saturday morning?

  A. Have a training lesson  B. Go to the cinema.  C. Watch a football match.

  10. When are they going to meet at the bus station?

  A. At 4 p. m.  B. At 7 p. m.  C. At 8 p. m.


  11. What do Jim‘s parents want him to do?

  A. Do some housework.  B. Get a part-time job.  C. Take summer courses.

  12. Who will visit Beijing by bike with the two speakers?

  A. Bob and Betty.  B. Jim and Helen.  C. Jim‘s parents.

  13. Why do they decide to have a visit around Beijing?

  A. They want to kill the time.

  B. They want to relax themselves.

  C. They want to make new friends.


  14. Where can the tourists find the smoking-room?

  A. Near the information desk.

  B. Next to the swimming pool.

  C. Next to the lift of each floor.

  15. What can we infer from the talk?

  A. They‘ll stay in the hotel for another night.

  B. They won‘t come back to the hotel again.

  C. They will enjoy themselves in the hotel only.

  16. How many important things does the speaker tell the tourists?

  A. Three.  B. Four.  C. Five.


  语言知识运用  (共42分)

  三. 单项填空  (共10分,每小题0.5分)

  17. ---Nancy tried___________,but her eyes started burning.

  ---What happened to her?

  A. not cry  B. to not cry  C. not crying  D. not to cry

  18. ---Peter,have your ever heard of___________ boy called Tom?

  ---Certainly. He‘s my cousin. Why?

  A. a eight-year-old  B. a eight-years-old

  C. an eight-year-old  D. an eight-years-old

  19. ---Don’t forget___________ today‘s newspaper. You are on the news.

  ---Really? It‘s interesting.

  A. to read  B. reading  C. not to read  D. read

  20. ---Sally hasn‘t finished her work. has she?

  ---___________. Look! She is still working now.

  A. No, she has  B. No, she hasn‘t  C. Yes, she has  D. Yes, she hasn‘t

  21. ---How long did it___________ you to fly to Paris?---It_____ me ten hours.

  A. spend, spent  B. cost, cost  C. take, took  D. took, takes

  22. ---This is not good enough, so I want to___________ it. ---Good boy!

  A. improving  B. improved  C. improvement  D. improve

  23. --- Although the little girl was ______________ at home. she didn‘t feel ______________ at all.

  ---What a nice girl?

  A. alone, lonely  B. lonely, alone  C. lonely, lonely  D. alone, alone

  24. ---He ______________ when his teacher came into the classroom.

  ---But his friend, a naughty boy,______________. It made his teacher angry.

  A. stops talking, stops to talk  B. stops to talk, stops talking

  C. stopped talking, stopped to talk  D. stopped to talk, stopped talking

  25. --- What did you do just before you left London?

  --- I ______________ a telegraph ______________ him.

  A. send, to  B. send, for  C. sent, to  D. sent, for

  26.______________ people are homeless. We have to do something to help them.

  A. Two millions  B. Million of  C. Millions of  D. Two million of

  27. ---______________, I could stay at school and get an education. ---It‘s kind of, him.

  A. Under his help  B. With his help  C. On his help  D. To his help

  28. --- It‘s necessary______________ her______________ finish her homework on time.

  --- Doesn‘t she finish her homework on time every day?

  A. of, to  B. to, for  C. to, for  D. for, to

  29. --- How to______________ your parents?  --- Being friends is good.

  A. get on well with  B. get on well  C. got on well  D. got on well with

  30. --- Hi, Lucy. I always  fell nervous before the important examination.

  ---______________, and you‘ll be fine soon.

  A. Play computer games  B. Take a deep breath

  C. Drink a lot of water  D. Sleep for twenty-four hours

  31. --- Could you give me______________ about improving my English?

  --- Sure. I‘ve already learned it for over ten years.

  A. some advices  B. some advice  C. any advice  D. a piece of advices

  32. --- This article is a little bit easy.______________ read something difficult?

  A. Why not to  B. Why don‘t  C. Why not  D. Why not you

  33. --- Let‘s raise some money! What poor children they are! --- That ______________nice.

  A. hears  B. feels  C. sounds  D. listens

  34. --- Have you______________ that book?  --- No, I haven‘t.

  A. hear from  B. heard from  C. hear of  D. heard of

  35. --- Would you like ______________ me ______________ my homework?

  --- Oh, you‘d better do it by yourself.

  A. to help, on  B. help with  C. help, to  D. to help, with

  36. --- Mom, I ______________ quite ______________ to make such a tong sentence.

  --- Don‘t panic. Let me have a look at it.

  A. found it is, easy  B. found it, difficult

  C. found it, easy  D. found it is, difficult

  四.完形填空  (共112分,每小题1分)

  John and his friend Peter were interested in deer-hunting, and if they had a____ 37 ____ day during the deer—hunting season, they took their guns and went into the forest.

  One Saturday they were sitting on the ground, eating their bread and drinking their tea ____ 38 ____ they saw a man walking through the snow towards them. He wore deer-hunting clothes, ____ 39 ____ he had no gun with him. When he ____ 40 ____ nearer, the two  friends saw that he was walking after a deer‘s track(足迹) in the snow. They were both very ____ 41 ____ to see a man running after a deer without a gun. So when they reached them, they stopped him and asked him whether anything was wrong and whether they could help him, The man ____ 42 ____ beside them, asked for a cup of tea and told them his ____ 43 ____.

  ____ 44 ____, he went out deer-hunting that morning with a friend. They saw a deer with very big horns, and ran after it for ____ 45 ____. Then he fired at it, and it fell just where it stood. He and his friend ran over to look at it, and he said to his friend. 'This deer‘s horns will make a wonderful rack (架子) for my gun when I get it home.' He then put his gun in the deer‘s horns and stepped ____ 46 ____ a few meters to see how they would ____ 47 ____ a gun rack on me wall of his room. He was____ 48 ____ the effect when the deer suddenly jumped up, shot itself and ran away, carrying his gun stuck in its horns.

  37. A. busy  B. while  C. free  D. cold

  38. A. when  B. while  C. where  D. that

  39. A. or  B. so  C. and  D. but

  40. A. got  B. ran  C. reached  D. arrived

  41. A. excited  B. pleased  C. surprised  D. worried

  42. A. came up  B. stood up  C. went down  D. sat down

  43. A. life  B. past  C. story  D. question

  44. A. Like a man  B. As a man  C. Like them  D. As them

  45. A. sometime  B. sometimes  C some time  D. some times

  46. A. on  B. back  C. over  D. along

  47. A. like  B. look  C. become  D. seem

  48. A. seeing  B. enjoying  C. thinking  D. noticing


  五、阅读理解  (共20分,每小题2分)



  Watching Movies for Your Summer

  Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties 《双猫记》

  Hello, Garfield will meet you again on the screen. This time, America‘s favorite cat Garfield travels to London. Garfield gets lost on the way. However, he enjoys his new life in his new home. But danger is near him...___________________________________________________________

Superman Returns:

  How exciting to see Superman on the screen again. Like before, he is again saving the world. But his enemy (敌人), Lex Luthor, is still planning to kill him so that he can control the world.___

Pirates of the Garibbean: Dead Man‘s Chest 《加勒比 盗:聚魂棺》

  Captain Jack Sparrow again appears on the screen. This time, he finds himself in a heavy debt (负债) to Davey Jones. The only way to get out of it is to find the Dead Man‘s Chest. He asks his old friends for help and they start out to the sea.

  49. The story of Garfield in this movie happens in ________________.

  A. America  B. London  C. the sea  D. the world

  50. Why does Lex Luthor plan to kill Superman?

  A. Because he tried to save the world.

  B. Because he never sees Superman on the screen.

  C. Because he finds it hard to like the story.

  D. Because he wants to control the world.

  51. What is the trouble for Captain Jack Sparrow this time?

  A. He again appears on the screen.

  B. He returns to his friends for help.

  C. He is in a heavy debt to Davey Jones.

  D. He finds the Dead Man‘s Chest.


  Are you in shape? To find out, ask yourself some questions: Do i exercise regularly? Do I ever walk places instead of driving my car? Do I ever play sports for fun? Do I ever take the stairs instead of the elevator? If you answered no to any of all of the above questions, you are probably out of shape and need to start a fitness program.

  Exercise is very important. It improves your strength and blood circulation (循环). It gives you more energy. It can help you relax and sleep well, and it can help control your weight. In fact, the U.S. Surgeon General says that exercise can help. prevent heart disease, obesity, and osteoporosis (a disease that weakens the bones).

  The first step is to make a program. A good fitness program should be fun. I should involve (包含) both your arms and your legs, and it should help you to build endurance (the ability to do exercise for a long time). To make a good program for yourself first you should think about the types of activities you like to do, what you think you are able to do, and when you will have time to. do it. A good exercise, program will involve cardiovascular activities, such as running, biking, swimming, roller skating playing soccer or tennis jumping rope. It will also involve weightbearing exercise, such as weightlifting, and stretching activities. Also, daily, low-intensity activities such as walking, gardening, and climbing stairs are good for your physical health.

  So you waiting for? Get off of the sofa and start exercising. Sign up for yoga, tai chi, or pilates. Join a gym or a running club, or just start walking half an hour every day. Every little bit helps!

  52. We can learn from the passage that

  A. exercise can prevent all kinds of diseases

  B. a good exercise program should be exciting

  C. exercise can help you control your weight

  D. it‘s not necessary to make an exercise program

  52. A good exercise program should involve ________________ types of activities.

  A. two  B. three  C. four  D. five

  54. Which of the following is low-intensity activities?

  A. swimming  B. jumping rope

  C. weightlifting  D. climbing stairs


  Reading is very important to help you learn English. To learn as much as you can from reading, you need to read different kinds of English. This book provides not only different kinds of English but also a good way to check your reading ability.

  There are four parts in the book:

  Pare 1 is Messages: In this part somebody wants to send information in writing to somebody else. There is a test on timetables and a test on text messages.

  Part 2 is People: In this part all the tests are about people. For example, there is an informal letter between friends. There is formal (正式的) English in biography(传记). There is a job application (申请表) as a model to help with your writing. as well as testing your reading.

  Part 3 is Places: In this part, too, many different kinds of English are shown, some informal and some formal. There is the informal English of a holiday postcard. There is also the formal English in a letter of complaint (抱怨).

  Part 4 is Things: You will find some descriptive writing in this part. There are descriptions of clothes and of a computer.

  You can do these tests in any order you like, or you can do all the tests with a formal or informal text.

  I enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoy using it.

  55. We Can find the introduction to a product in________________.

  A. Part 1  B. Part 2  C. Part 3  D. Part 4

  56. Which of the following is most probably written in informal English?

  A. A letter of complaint.  B. A computer hand book.

  C. A letter to a friend.  D. A story of president.

  57. The passage is most probably written for ________________.

  A. test-designers  B. students  C. test-takers  D. teachers

  58. Which of the following is the best for the book?

  A. Test your reading ability  B. Help with your writing

  C. Learn different kinds of English  D. Practice English in different ways

  第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共45分)

  听力理解 (共4分)



English week plan
The teacher‘s name:1 _______________________
On Monday and Tuesday morning:practice listening and speaking skills
On Wednesday morning:Have a reading skills lesson
On Thursday morning:Go to the library to read books and 2.__________________
On Friday morning:Practise writing skills and have a 3.___________________
The topic of Module 7:My 4________________________


  5. Can you _______________ this word into Chinese? I don‘t understand it?

  6. We were playing basketball on the playground when s _______________ it began to rain.7. I‘ve just read the newspaper.Let me tell you the I_______________ news.8. You can surf the Internet to find out more i _______________ about astronauts and space.

  9. She gave me a big smite when she walked p _______________ me.10. It‘s not easy to start a c _______________ with a poreigner.11. Don‘t be afraid of making m _______________ when you speak English.

  12. This two-year-old child can c _______________ from one to a hundred.

  13. Christmas is the most important festival in w _______________ countries.14. Strauss and Mozart were two of the most important c _______________.

  三. 句型转换.(共6分。每空0.5分)

  15. I have learned to play the piano since I was eleven.(对划线部分提问)

  _____________ _____________ have you learned to play the piano?

  16. They have already bought a car. (变否定句)

  They _____________ _____________ a car yet.

  17. Xiao Ming borrowed the novel a week ago. (同义句改写)

  Xiao Ming _____________ _____________ the novel for a week.

  18. The Smiths were watching TV at that time _____________ _____________ ? (完成反意疑问句)

  19. Few students read story books in class, _____________ _____________ ? (完成反意疑问句)

  20. The little boy had to drop out of school because of his poor family. (对划线部分提问)

  _____________ _____________ the little boy have to drop out of school?


  21. 昨天晚上我听见那个男孩哭了。

  I heard __________ __________ __________ last night.

  22. 我很长时间没有收到笔友的邮件了。

  I __________ __________ __________ __________ my penfriend for a long time.

  23. 就在John 正听音乐的时候,他的手机响了。

  John __________ __________ __________ music at that time when his mobile phone __________.

  24. 我爸爸去上海出差了。

  My father __________ __________ __________ Shanghai __________ __________.

  25. 到目前为止我们已经学了五个模块了。

  __________ __________ we __________ __________ five modules.

  五. 阅读与表达. (共10分,第小题2分)

  Americans love sports—they love to play them to watch them on television, and to talk about them. But this hobby sometimes has serious results at least to the players. For example, tennis, they hurt their elbow(肘部) and in this way they develop 'tennis elbow'. Also it is easy to hurt a knee in a football game. These injuries (损伤) happen while the player is having fun, but they still hurt.

  A few months ago. Kathleen Simmons, who loves playing volleyball, hurt her knee in a volleyball game. Her doctor told her that she needed a very difficult operation (手术) or she might not be able to play again. She felt very sad and didn‘t know what to do.

  Then Simmons learned about 'video operation'. With the help of this new science in medicine, doctors can now repair many injuries and get people back on the playing field and back to their jobs much faster. Simmons found a hospital that was using this new science and went to see the doctor there. The doctors told her the operation could help.

  For this operation, her doctor didn‘t have to open her, knee. Instead, he put a very small camera lens (镜头) inside her knee. The lens sent back pictures, which appeared on a television screen. As he worked, he could see the inside of her knee on the TV. With the help of the large pictures on the screen, the doctor knew exactly what to do when he was making the repairs.

  Simmons started walking five days after her operation. 'My knee hurt a lot the first few days,' she said. 'But I felt better very quickly.' Now, six months after her operation, Simmons can do everything she did before her injury. 'It feels like a new knee,' she said. 'I can even play volleyball again.'

  26. Do Americans love sports?


  27. What sport is Simmons interested in?


  28. What did the doctor put inside Simmons‘ knee?


  29. What problem may people have when they play sports?


  30. What‘s the advantage (优点) of the new science?


  六.书面表达 (10分)



Post: What shall I do?

Posted by a worried mother on 5/Nov/09

  Anybody here? I have a 15-year-old daughter. She is lovely and clever. I love her very much. But now she likes playing computer games very much. Once she gets home, she does nothing but play computer games. No homework, no rest! When I talk to her, she says nothing to me! When I turn off the computer, she will be very angry with me! Oh! What shall I do? A worried mother

Post: Re:' What shall I do?'

Posted by John on 6/Nov/09

Dear Madam,


  It will be all right.







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