



(  )1. A.Who is drawing pictures in the bedroom?

B.Who is taking pictures in the dining room?

(  )2. A.The two birds are swimming in the lake.

B.The two birds are flying in the sky.

(  )3. A.Whose books are these?

B.Whose book is this?

(  )4. A.It’s time to go to school.

B.It’s time to go to park.

(  )5. A.We are climbing mountains.

B.They are climbing trees.



(  ) 1. A.I often cook dinner.  B.I’m cooking dinner.

(  ) 2. A.I often go shopping.  B.I’m listening to music.

(  ) 3. A.It’s on Sept.10th.  B.It’s on Mar.12th.

(  ) 4. A.It’s Zhang Peng’s.  B.Yes, it is.

(  ) 5. A.No, it isn’t.  B.OK. Take turns!



(  ) 1.A.what  B.where  C.whose

(  ) 2.A.please  B.people  C.plate

(  ) 3.A.China  B.lunch   C.school

(  ) 4.A.thin  B.that  C.thank

(  ) 5.A.drink  B.think  C.long


(  ) 1.A.Monday  B.March  C.June

(  ) 2.A.their  B.her  C.ours

(  ) 3.A.mouth  B.third  C.fourth

(  ) 4.A.autumn  B.October  C.summer

(  ) 5.A.drinking  B.listening  C.morning


(  ) 1.—Are they ________ football now? —No, they often ________ on the weekend.

A.play; play  B.playing; plays  C.playing; play

(  ) 2.It is ________ dog. The dog is ________.

A.she; her  B.her; hers  C.hers; her

(  ) 3.—__________ are you shopping today? —My mum worked last night. So I’m shopping today.

A.How  B.Why  C.Where

(  ) 4.We’ll ________ to the Great Wall.

A.go  B.goes  C.going

(  ) 5.My mum ________ cooking. I ________ reading. They ________ singing now.

A.is; is; are  B.am; is; are  C.is; am; are


1.I often clean      (I) room on the weekend.

2.There      (be) two tigers at the zoo.

3.China’s National Day is on October     (one).

4.I often take a      (dance) class on Sundays.

5.Can we     (use) your crayons?


1.—What do you often do after school? (  )

—I often play basketball with my friend.

2.—When do you go to bed? (  )

—Usually at 9 o’clock.

3.—Which season do you like best? (  )

—Winter. I can make a snowman.

4.—Is the school trip in May? (  )

—Yes, it is.

5.—What’s the panda doing? (  )

—It’s eating bamboo.

将熊大和熊二的对话补充完整。 (10分)

Xiongda: Xionger   1 .

Xionger: I am in the kitchen.

Xiongda:   2 

Xionger: I’m eating honey(蜂蜜).

Xiongda:   3  

Xionger: Yes, they’re in the bedroom.

Xiongda: Oh, here they are. Listen!   4 

Xionger: He is cutting trees.

Xiongda:   5   

Xionger: OK! Let’s go.

A.What is Guangtouqiang doing?

B.Where are you?

C.Let’s go and stop him.

D.Do you see my shoes?

E.What are you doing?


1.You can go to ________ on Monday. ( )

A.City Museum  B.City Library

2.It’s Sunday today. It’s 8:45 a.m. now. I’m ________. ( )

A.reading books  B.visiting historical relics(参观历史文物)

3.You can’t take pictures(拍照) in the ________. ( )

A.museum  B.library

4.“Queue up!”的意思与“________”相近. ( )

A.Stop!  B.Take turns!

5.公告中的黑体字“Free”是什么意思? ________. ( )

A.免费的  B.自由的




Hello! I’m Sarah. ______________________________________________





. C   A   A   C   B

. A   B   A   A   B

. F   T   T   T   F

. B   A   B   A   B









Hello! I’m Sarah. My family are busy now. Look, my father is reading a book. My mother is cleaning the room. My grandma is dancing with her friends. My grandpa and my brother are playing chess. What about me? I am riding a bike in the park.

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