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摘 要:(答题时间:45分钟)一.单词辨音1.a.gameb.jacketc.camerad.black2.a.littleb.thisc.biked.sister3.a.oftenb.orangec.noted.dog4.a.letb.yello......

一. 单词辨音

1. A. game B. jacket C. camera D. black

2. A. little B. this C. bike D. sister

3. A. often B. orange C. note D. dog

4. A. let B. yellow C. lesson D. she

5. A. much B. student C. duty D. use

二. 根据句意和首字母补全单词:

1. My father is a p_______________. He works in a police station.

2. Zhou Xingchi is an a____________. I am his fan.

3. There is a football u____________ the bed.

4. My sister can d__________ a car. She is a driver.

5. My brother likes playing f________________ with his friends after school.

三. 单项选择

1. What can you see ________ the room?

A. on B. in C. at D. to

2. — Where ____ ____ my football?

— It is under the chair.

A. is B. are C. be D. am

3. — Where ______ the flowers?

— They are on the floor.

A. is B. be C. am D. are

4. There _______ four people in my family.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

5. — Is there a book on the desk?

— Yes, ________.

A. there’ s B. there are C. there is D. it is

6. I ______ a cat and a dog.

A. have B. has C. am D. are

7. — Do you have a bike?

— Yes, _______

A. I don’t B. I am C. I do D. you do

8. There _______ some students in the classroom.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

9. Lin Tao and Li Gang _______ two radios.

A. have B. has C. are D. is

10. My father doesn’t ________ the red car.

A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like

11. Do you like ______ football?

A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play

12. He often plays games ____ his brothers and sisters.

A. with B. to C. in D. for

13. This is ________ little brother. He is only five.

A. I B. me C. mine D. my

14. Can M ary ________ ?

A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swims

15. — _______ you read books? — Yes, I ________.

A. Can, do B. Do, c an C. Can, can D. Can, read

四. 阅读理解

Look at this picture. It’s a picture of Jim’s bedroom. A broom is behind the door. The football is under the bed. The chair is behind the desk. Some nice flowers are on the desk. Some nice pictures are on the wall.

1. This is _____________

A. a picture of Jim

B. a bedroom of a picture

C. a picture of a bedroom

2. Where is the broom?

A. Behind the door.

B. Under the desk.

C. Under the bed.

3. We can see the football ________.

A. near the window

B. behind the chair

C. under the bed

4. Some ______ are on the desk.

A. flowers B. chairs C. books

5. You can see _______ on the wall

A. a football B. a chair C. some pictures

五. 书面表达




二. 1.policeman 2. actor 3. under 4. drive 5. football




This is my friend—Tom’s room. It is a very nice room. Look! There is a bed in the room. There is a light on the desk. A TV set is beside it. There is a cat on the floor. There are some flowers on the table. There are two shoes in front of the bed. The room is very clean and tidy ( 整洁的).






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